Emptiness — Everything and Everyone exist but not from it’s own side
What is Emptiness?
Everything and Everyone exist but not from their own side.
Can you give me an example?
Look at a table next to you. Ask yourself how did this table coming to being. Did the table just come into being without anything or anyone’s help.
If you break down the table into it’s part:
- Where did the table get it’s material — from a tree
- Where did the tree coming from — Earth, Sun, Water, Air …
- Who made the table — Carpenter or furniture factory
- How did the table’s part get connected — Nails, Glue…
- How was nail or glue made — other material and human beings…
Just because we use a label “Table” does not mean there is a table that comes into being from its own accord without anything or anyone’s help.
How does this apply to human beings?
Let’s analyze yourself and how have you came into being so far
- You have a head, body, 2 arms, 2 legs, 2 ears etc …— These are mere labels if you analyze further each body part there will be more materials and factors that have to coexist for these parts to come into being.
- Your name is a mere label — every moment your mind & body is changing but we keep insisting there is a solid “I” that exist from its own side.
- Where did you come from — your parents and where did your parents come from — from their parents. It is endless cycle …
- The sun, earth, air and water is also needed for you to be here at this moment.
As you can see from the above analysis you are more than just a label “your name” — many factors have to come together for you to exist.
How does Emptiness help me with real life challenges?
We exist but not from our own side. This way of thinking helps bring about real change. Everything and everyone is changing every moment.